We work with nearly 500 spas, salons and boutique retails across Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Netherlands, Belgium and now Norway that stock our products.

Retail Partners

If you don't want to wait for shipping, selected products are available at the following locations:

Wellness by EVOLVE (Balcatta)

7 Dacre Street, Balcatta WA 

(08) 6107 4825


Water Town - The Market Collective (Perth)

Wellington Street, West Perth

(Between Novo Shoes & Y.D)


AP Beauty Bar (Balcatta)

0411 678 558


Rose & Belle Collection (Malaga)

3/765 Marshall Road, Malaga

0422 455 007


Cleopatra's Therapy (Melville)

409 Marmion St, Melville WA 6156

0450 165 855


ARA - Atelier Rose Artistry (Leedervile)

26/287 Vincent St, Leederville WA 6007

(08) 6107 4825


If you are interested in stocking some of our products contact us to find out about our wholesale prices.

As seen in